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Benotzer Diskussioun:JAn Dudík

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Leschte Kommentar: viru(n) 9 Joer vum Les Meloures am Sujet Stop

Gudde moien,

Kënnt dir mir vläicht erkläre virwat mer Kategorië mat däitschem Text solle benotzen. --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 07:02, 5. Mee 2015 (UTC)Äntweren

Sorry, I am not sure what do you mean (I do not speak luxembourgish).
Now I am working on lb:categories interwiki with my bot. I created some missing categories and now bot is running: A-G is finished. When there is only one interwiki, bot will find and add other links. JAn Dudík (Diskussioun) 08:08, 5. Mee 2015 (UTC)Äntweren



My question was: why did you revert my Redirect, an why should we have categories in german language. --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 08:28, 5. Mee 2015 (UTC)Äntweren

You must change text in MediaWiki:Duplicate-args-category and then move category - this category is filled automatically. JAn Dudík (Diskussioun) 09:20, 5. Mee 2015 (UTC)Äntweren

Yes i know, but it is unusefull to set german text here for empty categories, even if they are not translated. We are a very little community and we work as fast as we can on tranlations. Usefull help is for us not in foreign languages. Thank you however for your interwikis. --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 10:01, 5. Mee 2015 (UTC)Äntweren



Please stop those silly renamings that don't match with Luxemourg language. --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 08:42, 12. Mee 2015 (UTC)Äntweren

  1. CLDR says Dagalog
  2. {{#language:tl|lb}} gives Dagalog
JAn Dudík (Diskussioun) 09:29, 12. Mee 2015 (UTC)Äntweren

That is an evident nonsense. There is no reason why the german/english or french t should be changed to a d in luxembourgish. --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 13:10, 12. Mee 2015 (UTC)Äntweren

I informed CLDR about this mistake and other wrong translations. --Les Meloures (Diskussioun) 18:29, 12. Mee 2015 (UTC)Äntweren