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Letzter Kommentar: viru(n) 12 Joer von Etienfr in Abschnitt Wrong orthography

Wrong orthography


The name of the month "Juli" in asturian language is xunetu, with final "u", not "o" like others months as "xineru, febreru, marzu, mayu, xunu, agostu, avientu"(final "-u" is the morphological mark for masculine substantives); you can see it here.--Etienfr 22:03, 6. Feb. 2012 (UTC)Äntweren

Thanks for helping us out.--Soued031 22:27, 6. Feb. 2012 (UTC)Äntweren
You're welcome!--Etienfr 02:40, 7. Feb. 2012 (UTC)Äntweren